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Paolo Boccone (1633-1704)

Paolo Boccone (after )

Paolo Boccone (April 24, 1633 - Dec. 22, 1704) was a major 17th century Italian naturalist. Born in Palermo, Sicily, Boccone became a renowned botanist and student of marine fossils.  After earning his doctorate in Padua, he published Recherches et observations naturelles in 1671, which covers various theories of nature, and supplied important contributions to the fields of palaeontology, medicine, and toxicology. 

Boccone also joined artist-naturalist Agostino Scilla seeking marine fossil sites in Sicily. Some of these findings, including various Miocene sea urchin fossils, were published in a revised, 1674 edition of Recherches et observations naturelles.

Boccone was employed as court botanist to Ferdinando II de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. In 1682, Boccone entered the order of the Cistercians and took the name Silvio.  In his 1697 book Museo di piante rare della Sicilia, Malta, Corsica, Italia, Piemonte, e Germania, Boccone described many rare plants of these countries. Linnaeus frequently refers to Boccone's work in his Hortus Cliffortianus (1738) and Species Plantarum (1753), using the reference "Bocco."    



Boccone, Paolo (1671, 1674) Recherches et observations naturelles (Paris; 1671; rev.ed.Amsterdam; 1674).

Boccone, Paolo 1684 Osservazioni naturali; ove si contengono materie medico-fisiche; e di botanica; produzioni naturali fossofori diversi; fuochi sotterranei d'Itali e altre curiosità.

Boccone, Paolo 1697 Museo di piante rare della Sicilia; Malta; Corsica; Italia; Piemonte; e Germania.


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